
CubeBug-1 is the first technology demonstration mission for a new CubeSat platform design (mechanics, hardware and software) intended to be released as Open Source and Open Hardware for its use in Amateur projects, University projects and research labs.
The project is sponsored by the Argentinian Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation.
Payloads on this first mission include:
• an ARM based on-board computer
• anano-reaction wheel with its driver circuit
• a low resolution camera
all based on COTS componentsCubeBug-1 is a 2U CubeSat and uses a 1 watt output AstroDev Lithium Li-1 on 437.445 MHz using 1200 bps AX.25 AFSK FM packet radio, callsign LU1VZ-11. Depending on the mode of the satellite the beacons will be transmitted every 10 to 30 seconds. Telemetry information is at
The team say “Please, if you hear the satellite, letsas know by email to If you decode a beacon or save its audio, please pleaseplease, share it with us!”.
After the technology demonstration part of the mission is over, the satellite will enter a mode that will include services to the Amateur radio community, including an AX.25 Packet Radio Digipeater, science data downloads from the payload (including images if possible).
CubeBug-1 is expected to launch on a Long March CZ-2D rocket from the Jiuquan Space Center on April 26, 2013 at 0413 UT. After 816.5 seconds the CubeBug-1 will be deployed from the rocket. Orbital data including TLE is at
Supporting Organisation
Ministry of Science, Technology & Productive Innovation
Contact Person
Headline Details: CubeBug-1 is the first technology demonstration mission for a new cubesat platform design (mechanics, hardware and software) intended to be released as Open Source and Open Hardware for its use in Amateur projects, University projects and research labs. This projectis sponsored by the Argentinian Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation. As payload on this first mission, some custom designed components will be tested: an ARM based on-board computer, a nano-reaction wheel with its driver circuit and a low resolution camera, all based on COTS components. Planning to use half duplex communications on UHF with 9k6 GMSK data. CubeBug-1 is a 2U cubesat and isexpected to be launched as part of a group of cubesats in a DNEPR rocket launch planned for September 2012 from Yasny into a 607km 98 degree polar orbit. After the technology demonstration part of the mission is over, the satellite will enter a mode that will include services to the Amateur radio community, including a Digipeater, science data downloads from the payload (including images if possible), etc.