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The Islamic Republic of Iran has numerous programs for the development and deployment of ballistic missiles and long-
While the purpose of Iran's nuclear program is unclear and remains hotly disputed, many nonproliferation analysts are especially concerned that Iran's development of more advanced long-
Name |
Other Names |
Length |
Diameter |
Warhead Weight |
Range |
Propellant |
Type of Missile |
Status |
Shahab-1 |
Scud-B |
10.90m |
.88m |
1000kg |
315km |
Liquid | Ballistic |
Deployed |
Shahab-2 |
Scud-C |
10.90m |
.885m |
730kg |
500km |
Liquid | Ballistic |
Deployed |
Shahab-3 |
15.50m |
1.25m |
760-1100kg |
800-1000km |
Liquid | Ballistic |
Deployed |
Shahab-3M |
Kavoshgar, Ghadr-1 |
16.50m |
1.25m |
750kg |
1600km |
Liquid | Ballistic |
Testing |
Sejil |
Ashura |
18.21m |
1.25m |
750kg |
2200-2400km |
Solid | Ballistic |
Testing |
Kh-55 |
AS-15 Kent, X-55 |
8.09m |
.77m |
500kg |
3,000km |
One solid booster and one Liquid-propelled jet engine |
Air- launch cruise missile |
Unknown |
Ra'ad |
Silkworm |
5.8m |
.76m |
500kg |
105km |
One solid booster and one Liquid-propelled jet engine |
Anti-ship cruise missile |
Unknown |
Table 1 shows the design characteristics of Iran's ballistic and cruise missile inventory. Nearly all of Iran's deployed ballistic missiles utilize liquid fuels, inertial guidance systems, and are based on Russian Scud technology. Iran continues to work on developing longer range, multiple stage, and solid-
Iran did not possess the technological or industrial infrastructure to develop missiles or missile components until the late 1980s. After the onset of the "War of the Cities" during the Iran-
Estimates about Iran's indigenous technical capabilities vary, and significant divides exist within the expert community on this subject. Experts' opinions on the subject also seem to correlate heavily with their opinions regarding whether the United States should invest in an extensive ballistic missile defense system—those who argue that Iran is close to possessing an ICBM capability generally favor missile defense. Uzi Rubin, the former head of Israel's missile defense program, David Montague, the retired president of the Missile Systems Division at Lockheed Martin, and Stanford University's Dean Wilkening believe that recent Iranian missile tests have demonstrated Iran's ability to overcome many of the problems associated with the development and production of an IRBM and ICBM. Other experts, including Stanford's David Holloway and MIT's Theodore Postol, believe that Iran will have trouble overcoming many of the technical issues associated with ICBMs. Postol asserts, for example, that Iran could develop in the next "six to eight years a ballistic missile capable of delivering a 1,000kg nuclear warhead to a range of 2,000km."
Such a capability would enable Iran to target Israel and U.S. bases throughout the Persian Gulf. However, the road-The Sejil also possesses range and payload characteristics similar to Iran's Safir Satellite Launch Vehicle (SLV), whose first stage design is based on North Korea's No-
Despite the Safir's technical limitations, Iran has now demonstrated its ability to produce a multi-
Iran is also known to have imported 18 Kh-
Recent Developments and Current StatusIran's determination to possess a robust and indigenously sustainable missile program is a direct result of its unique regime politics. Iranian leaders bolster support for their own political continuity by portraying much of the rest of the world as enemies to Iran, and seeking to rally the population around nationalist causes such as programs to increase Tehran's military power. The Clerical Elite view Iran's asymmetric military assets as the most vital dimension of Tehran's national security policy, and place great importance on indigenous weapons production. Ayatollah Khamenei's push for indigenous missile capabilities is likely rooted in his understanding of the four key tenets of the Islamic Revolution: (1) Justice, (2) Self-
This country with its great capabilities in missile technology, biology, nuclear and laser technology -
Currently, Iran is pursuing almost all of the technologies associated with ballistic missiles, focusing particularly on efforts to increase the range and payload of the missiles in its deployed arsenal. IISS's 2010 study points out that Iran, "is deemed to have the capacity to modify existing missiles, to produce indigenously a large percentage of the necessary components to go into a missile, including the airframe and propellant tanks, create new systems by integrating available sub-
Additionally, Iran has steadily ramped up its investment in cruise missile technologies. One core component of Iran's asymmetric military strategy has been the procurement, production, and deployment of coastal defense cruise missiles, addressed as an issue of U.S. concern in the April 2010 congressionally directed Unclassified Report on Military Power of Iran. In the event of any conflict with the United States, Iran would likely use C801/802 cruise missiles to attack American warships in the Persian Gulf and close the Strait of Hormuz.
Iran's rapidly improving missile capabilities have prompted concern from international actors such as the United States, and from Iran's regional neighbors. The United States has responded to Iran's missile program by implementing a number of unilateral sanctions and continuing to develop and test various components of a proposed ABM shield. In particular, the Iran Sanctions Act is meant to prevent Iran from acquiring missile, nuclear, and conventional weapons technology from foreign suppliers. The Obama administration is also working with other members of the UN Security Council to pass a new sanctions resolution aimed at IRGC front companies. Israel has responded to Iran's weapons programs by improving its Arrow Missile Defense system and working closely with the United States to prevent Iranian acquisition of sensitive missile technology. The media frequently reports on the possibility, supported by regular vaguely threatening statements from Israeli leaders, that Israel will feel compelled by Iran's activities to unilaterally bomb Iranian nuclear facilities. Iran's Arab neighbors are also feeling pressured by its weapons programs and are improving their own capabilities in response. For example, the United Arab Emirates has signed a $3.3 billion dollar agreement with Raytheon and Lockheed Martin to purchase Patriot missile interceptors and radar.
Despite efforts by the international community to stall Iranian missile development, Tehran's ballistic and cruise missile capabilities continue to grow. Iranian engineers have extended the range of Iran's missiles from 600km in the late 1980s, to at least 1,500km today. However, Iran has not yet developed a long-
Iran's cruise missile program will increase the variety of delivery systems available in its strategic portfolio. Iran's development of increasingly sophisticated missiles worries analysts concerned that such missiles could be intended as delivery vehicles should Iran decide to develop nuclear weapons. The IAEA has repeatedly asked Tehran to clarify allegations concerning "Iran's undisclosed activities related to the development of a nuclear payload for a missile."
Nuclear Status
According to the IAEA Director General's report submitted to the Board on 23 November 2010, Iran has accumulated an estimated 3,183kg of low enriched uranium. An exchange of letters and additional information from Iran provided a satisfactory explanation for the inconsistency. Construction of the Fordow FEP continues, but the Agency has been refused access to related documentation and design information. Additionally, after the IAEA requested the design information of a newly planned uranium enrichment facility, Iran answered in August 2010 that it will be provided in "due time."
Iran has maintained that the intelligence documents provided to the IAEA are forgeries and has refused to discuss these issues with IAEA inspectors. Agency inspectors were able to confirm the non-
Iran requested that the IAEA convey this message to the P5+1.
On 17 May 2010, Brazil, Turkey and Iran issued a joint statement in which Iran agreed to export half of its LEU stock (1,200kg) to Turkey as a confidence building measure, in return for 120kg of 20% enriched uranium for use in its medical research reactor. In June 2010, the UN Security Council approved another set of sanctions under UNSCR 1929, primarily aimed at Iran's nuclear-